Sunday, September 2, 2012

The day of the Diagnoses

I will remember this day like it was the day littleman was born December1,2010. We promptly enter the hospital and meet the team of specialists on the peds floor. Where there is littlemans paediatrician, a speech therapist,neurologist,and physcaligst awaiting our arrival. If meeting these people don't scare the shit out of you I don't know what will. They turn to us and say lets get started. We enter this room and its set up as a little play room where each specialist take their turn playing with littleman. As my nerves are getting the best of me I turn to my hubby and give him the biggest sigh a woman could ever make. Littleman seemed to be doing quite well with all that was happening.

About 45 mins later they decided that littleman needed a break (as did we) the doctors determined they had enough information to make a decision.We took littleman for a quick bathroom break and a quick snack and returned back to the meeting room. The complete time we took to do this was about 15 mins. The doctors entered the room and his peditrician started to explain things, well me thinking at this point in time just tell me,and get it over with. We knew that littleman had challenges! Then she come out with it. YES your son indeed has Autism! AS we had expected before that he may have Autism, nothing ever really prepares you for the true diagnoses! I started balling as my husband grabbed my hand and said everything is going to be all ok. What a guy sat their like a rock, while I on the other hand was breaking down in front of these people who I never met before.

They gave us information for Early Childhood Intervention, and stated that someone be in touch with us within the week. Littleman the light of my life knew mommy was upset about something and reached out and gave me the biggest kisses and hug a mommy could ever ask for. The doctors were gone by this point in time. I cleaned my self up and we left the hospital the same way we went in. The happy parents of a happy  healthy little boy!

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