Saturday, September 1, 2012

All about me

I am a 34 yr old mom. I am a wife. I am a Nurse. I have been married for 11+ years to my wounderful husband and we met in high school and have been together ever sinse. We got pregnant in 2006 and had a very healthy baby boy in june of 2007. This was the best day in history because I always knew I wanted to be a mommy.

I have an extrordinary life. My husband has ADHD and my son has ASD. They keep me busy from the time our feet hit the floor in the morning until all hours of the night. My husband was diagnosed when he was in elementry school and our littleman as we call him was diagnosed at the age of 3 1/2. Both are the loves of my life and keep me very busy. They both are very active and hyper and once they get going no one can slow them down.

This is me on the grave yard shift!
I too am very busy not only with everyday things around the house, I also work the grave yard shift at a Nursing Home in our City. This is what I call mommy time, I work the night shift so I can be avaliable for Theropy appointments, Doctor appointments, and what ever the day may bring. I know what you are thinking that is deffinetly not mommy time! Well I guess you are right but it does break up my day with the craziness. So back to my job I take care of residents(patients) at a Nursing Home that unfortuntely can no longer take care of them selves. I love my job and love being apart of the residents lives.

So now you are woundering when do I find the time to sleep? This easy Days that I'm off I sleep regular nights and days that I get off at 7am i sleep when my son is in his 3 hour Theropy session. This gives me most days at least 2 1/2 hours of sleep most days.. I know what you are thinking now there is no way someone can function with that little sleep! We'll you are right again! but I have been so used not getting long periods of rest that my body no longer requires it.

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