I as a mom with a son with Autism have determined that everything has to be delt with it's own sensitivity to make for a better outcome. On the other hand hubby feels that sometimes that it's the little things in life that matter the most. Not that I don't agree with him to the fullest but somethings are just not worth the fight!
Our son may decide that he may not want to go to bed at a certain time at night. We'll hubby may decide that this is worth fighting for on this particular day. Littleman he's not having any part of it. Not that he isn't a good sleeper but he feels like if he isn't tired he's not going to bed. This ultimately will end up in some big hollering match between the two of them. At some point in time during the hollering match mommy will have to step in and put an end to the situation. Littleman comprehends more than he can speak so telling him that bed time is in five more minutes usually wins a battle even before it starts.
Don't get me wrong I have my battle's as much as hubby does! Getting in the car in the morning can be quite the chore. Littleman in his mind has decided that this morning will be the morning that he's not going to therapy. I too have fallen for littlemans plan and end up in a yelling match with him and he's still winning the battle. After many attempts of barganing with him, littleman drops to the ground and stays there in protest. Mommy decides that picking him up off the ground and putting him in the car isn't working either. For a five year old little boy he uses his weight to his advantage. standing at over 4 foot tall and an approx weight of about 90lbs is not the way to get your early morning exercise especially when you just get off of work. Mommy ultimately gives up! Definitely not worth the fight you may ask? Well to my surprise Littleman gives up the same time I do cleans the dirt off his pants and climbs into the car and buckles him self in. Guess he just wasn't ready to leave!!
Many times a day these battles arise and looking for the answer before the situation gets out of hand is the key to our house hold. Not all of them end up in battles but alot of compromising is key!
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